Ten ways to increase metabolism after the age of 50

Ten ways to increase metabolism after the age of 50

By Metabolismer

After the age of 50, a person needs fewer calories to maintain their body mass. The process of losing muscle and replacing it with fat also starts with increase in age.

According to the Metabolismer, as a person gets older, gaining weight becomes easier and, in contrast, losing weight becomes harder. With increasing age beyond 50 years, the metabolic rate of the body slows down, and many metabolic functions, organ functions, and the process of absorption of substances become less efficient.

After the age of 50, a person needs to receive fewer calories to maintain their body mass. Also with age, the process of losing muscle and replacing it with fat begins. After the age of 50, the process of fat penetration into the muscles is accelerated. As a result, you may find it easier to feel tired. Metabolism slows, and the loss of muscle mass makes the fat burning process more difficult.

Although you can still lose weight, a greater effort is needed. To help you lose weight after the age of 50, you can consider the following simple methods:

Use Increase the Metabolism Miracle Program

The Metabolism Miracle Program is a guaranteed, science-based method developed by the Metabolismer group.

This method helps you increase your metabolism between 2.6% and 6.2% without diet and exercise and burn up to 1640 more calories per day.

Increase the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

Clearly, a person needs to consume fewer calories to lose weight, but rather than focusing on eating less, let’s talk about what you should consume more. Someone who wants to lose weight should increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables. In a Harvard University study, people who consumed more fruits and vegetables, especially berries, apples, pears, soybean, or cauliflower, experienced the process of losing weight. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but rich in the vitamins and minerals that your body needs, one of which is fiber. Fiber helps you feel full longer fullness between meals. At each meal, it is recommended to fill more than half of your plate with vegetables. Some vegetables can be kept in the freezer for easier access at all times.

Use a pressure cooker and prepare a bean stew

Beans are high in fiber and protein, and when they pass through the digestive tract, the resistant starch in them feeds the good bacteria in the gut. These bacteria also produce short-chain fatty acids that are useful in helping metabolism. A Canadian study showed that people who ate one meal of legumes a day as part of their weight loss program experienced more weight loss on average than those who did not. You can prepare beans and lentils in a pressure cooker with vegetables and other aromatic ingredients.

Use the scale

Measure your weight every morning to notice if you are gaining weight instead of losing it. If you notice that you have gained a small amount of weight, you can try to lose it quickly, but if you allow the excess weight to remain and increase over time, then it will be difficult to lose the extra weight.

Focus on food

Today, a busy life may hamper your ability to pay attention to your daily meals. Under such conditions, the possibility of overeating increases. Eating slowly and consciously can increase the effect of your attempts to lose weight. Instead of eating in the car, on the move, or between work sessions, it is better to sit somewhere and eat your food slowly. Adding crispy foods, such as cabbage or carrots, can also help you eat less and more slowly. Also avoid eating in front of the TV. According to a study published in the Obesity Journal, this habit is associated with increasing weight.

Stop consuming sweet drinks

Sweet drinks and foods are high in calories. For example, a can of soda can contain up to 150 calories and will not help reduce your appetite. Eating a salad, however, can keep you feeling full for a longer time even though you are getting fewer calories. A study conducted in Australia showed that people who stopped drinking soda and other sweet drinks experienced more weight gain over time than those who did not.

Combining sports exercises

If you depend on one type of exercise to lose weight, it is better to change this process and do a combination of exercises. A study conducted at the University of Illinois found that old people who did a combination of 30 minutes of aerobic exercises and 30 minutes of resistance exercises three days a week experienced a reduction in fat percentage and an increase in muscle-building. Improvement in blood pressure condition and cardiorespiratory fitness was also observed, a significant improvement for an older heart.

Resistance exercises are effective in building muscle that leads to burning more calories, and aerobic exercises are useful in helping a person lose fat. Together, these exercises cause changes in the body composition and increase strength and physical fitness, which leads to a better quality of life and maintaining independence as your age increases.

Choose a new sport

Group sports such as football and basketball are considered not only fun, but also as an interval exercise and therapy sessions. Doing these exercises boosts calorie-burning, and their high intensity helps increase fat-burning within 24 to 48 hours after exercise. Accompanying friends can also be effective. In general, social support increases people’s motivation and commitment to make healthy lifestyle changes. In a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, older people who followed a weight-loss diet along with playing football lost more weight than those who followed a diet alone.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting may seem a tough method, but it only means not eating food at certain times of the day. By limiting your food consumption to certain times of the day, you can encourage your body to use ketones that are derived from fat instead of glucose as an energy source.

You can start this work with eight or nine hours of avoiding food consumption, including sleep hours. For example, do not eat anything from eight o’clock at night to six o’clock the next morning. It’s simple, isn’t it? After that, you gradually train your body to go 12 hours without eating. Of course, this eating pattern is not appropriate for everyone, so talk to your doctor about it before you start.

Do yoga

Yoga can help strengthen and maintain your mobility as your age increases, and its sedative effect can be beneficial when you are trying to lose weight. You may not be able to meet your weight loss goals just by doing yoga, but this exercise will be useful along with other weight-loss measures. A study in China found that elderly people who practiced yoga experienced a reduction in waist size, which is a key indicator of belly fat.

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